she has a large metacentric height she has a high centre of gravity her metacenter above baseline is high her centre of gravity is low"
Longitudinal center of buoyancy and longitudinal center of gravity. Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of gravity. Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of buoyancy. Longitudinal tipping center and longitudinal center of gravity"
Liquids with different viscosities will always have the same specific gravity Liquids with different viscosities will never have the same specific gravity Viscosity and specific gravity are directly proportional Viscosity and specific gravity are not related in that one does not define or limitthe other
ISO/IEC17025 ISO/DIS17511 ISO/FDIS15189 ISO/DIS18153 CNACL201-2001
There were no gravity There was not any gravity Were there no gravity was there no gravity
an; the an; a the; the the; a
see have seen was seeing has seen
ISO/IEC17025 ISO/DIS17511 ISO/FDIS15189 ISO/DIS18153 CNACL201-2001
DIS的选择需要手动设置 DIS由整个广播网络上优先级最高的IS担当 优先级相同时由IP地址最大的担当 当一个DIS不能工作时,备份DIS会接替它进行工作
gravity diameter circumference cylinder
在广播网络中,都选举指定路由器DR(DIS) 优先级最大一定都会当选DR(DIS) 优先级为0的都不可能成为DR DR(DIS)失败,都由备份路由器承担DR(DIS)职责