to,confirm with,confirming at,confirm in,confirming
partial shipment transshipment through shipment total shipment
importer carrier consignee exporter
direct shipment total shipment partial shipment transshipment
our shipping arrangement for shipment to arrange shipment us to arrange shipment
separated the same different similar
shipping documents teams of payment trade terms insurance policy
shipment limit terms of shipment time of shipment terms of delivery
shipment within 15 days after receipt of remittance shipment within 30 days after receipt of I/C shipment on June 15,2004 shipment to be made during June/July,2009
importance necessity compulsory major
will prove satisfactory proves satisfactory turns out a satisfaction turns out to be satisfied
inflexible flexible inadaptable adaptable
direct shipment total shipment partial shipment transshipment
Method of payment Time for shipment Means of transport Partial shipment and transshipment
Partial shipment prohibited Partial shipment forbidden Partial shipment allowed Partial shipment not allowed
date of shipment time of delivery expiry date presentation period