holding the discharge valve open relieving the intercooler pressure to the atmosphere using an enlarged, permanently opened clearance expansion space a pre-charged accumulator
pilot valve oil pressure speeder spring force compensation needle valve clearance centrifugal force on the flyweights
top of the piston and bottom side of head, with the piston at BDC piston and head, including the space around the piston to the top of the upper ringand under the valves, with the piston at TDC bottom of the piston and bottom side of the head at TDC, regardless of upper ringlocation and valve placement top of the piston and bottom side of the head at TDC as compared to that which existsbetween the top of the piston and bottom side of head at BDC
excessively late injection timing for each cylinder incorrectly adjusted intake valve timing incorrectly adjusted fuel injector incorrectly adjusted intake valve clearance
back clearance side clearance gap clearance taper clearance
increased engine breathing efficiency excessive valve lash excessive lube oil consumption lower than normal fuel consumption
gate valve globe valve swing-check valve plug-cock valve
thermal valve magnetic stop valve bellows valve bimetallic valve
worn valve seats worn main bearing excessive valve clearance weak rocker arm springs
Spring-centered valve Unloading valve Three-position valve Two-position valve
having a shorter duration of opening having a longer duration of opening closing sooner opening later
compression ratio valve size fuel pressure cylinder clearance volume
clogged lube oil piping excessive valve-guide clearance high lube oil viscosity low lube oil temperature
later and closing earlier later and closing later earlier and closing earlier earlier and closing later
closing later opening sooner staying open for a shorter period of time staying open for a longer period of time
a test valve an inspection valve a stop valve a non-return valve
during the valve overlap period with only the exhaust valve open at a pressure below atmospheric without cooling the cylinders or pistons
later and close sooner sooner and close later sooner and close sooner later and close later
valve will open later valves will close later amount of fuel injected will be increased amount of fuel injected will be decreased
overloading the engine low exhaust valve lift excessive cylinder cooling insufficient mechanical clearance