The Historical Day Results of a Census Diversity in Britain Immigrants Problems
She loved the lifestyle in the UK She was a jou:malist of The Sun. She moved from Nottingham in 2007. She thought everyone in the UK is too sociable.
Education Families Economy Workforce
negative neutral positive biased
the size of the workforce is becoming larger the population of the UK has been on the rise the workers of the UK are much younger than before the average number of children in British family is falling
are mostly foreign-born are all "white British" should not wear a turban usually should wear bearskins
more than one in seven of the population in 2011 were foreign-bom half the population of London described themselves as "white British" English can be a bamer for immigrants trying to integrate into British society only in four percent of British families, children are brought up speaking English
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Uk1>Uk2 Uk1=Uk2 Uk1<Uk2 以上均不正确