determined to determine determining determines
Poetical Sketches Songs of Innocence The Marriage of Heaven and Hell The Tree of Liberty
paid back paid up paid off paid down
hell0,test Hell0,Test HELL0,TEST hELL0,tEST
heading for heading heading to head for
strcpy(str1,"Hello1"); strcpy(str2, "Hello2"); strcpy(str3, "Hell03"); strcpy(str4, "Hell04");
Hell o! Yes? I am busy. Excuse me?
strcpy(str1,"Hell01"); strcpy(str2,"Hell02"); strcpy(str3,"Hell03"); strcpy(str4,"Hell04");
strcpy(str1,"Hell01"); strcpy(str2,"Hell02"); strcpy(str3,"Hell03"); strcpy(str4,"Hell04");
determining determined to determine determine