0→初应力→1.05con(持荷2min)→0.9con→con(锚固) 0→初应力→0.9con→con(锚固)1.05con→(持荷2min) 0→初应力→0.9con→1.05con(持荷2min)→con(锚固) 0→初应力→0.9con→con(锚固)→1.05con(持荷2min)
One-four of A quarter One-fourth of One-fourth
0→102%σcon 0→103%σcon 0→105%σcon→σcon 0→104%σcon
has been over had ended had been over has ended
0→102%σcon 0 →103%σcon 0→105%σcon→σcon 0 →104%σcon
one fourths one four the quarters a quarter
0—-→1.03бcon 0-—→1.03бcon-—→бcon 0—-→1.05бcon 0-—→1.05бcon-—→бcon
third fourth tenth fifteenth
The number, first quarter The number, one quarter A.number, first quarter A. ,number, one quarter
0→1.05σcon 0→1.03σcon 0→σcon 0→1.08σcon(持荷2分钟)→σcon
Getting off to work with a minimum effort helps save one's energy. Dr. Kleitman explains why people reach their peaks at different hours of day. Habit helps one adapt to his own energy cycle. Children have energy cycles, too.
you will lose more weight running one mile than walking the same distance you will use more energy walking one mile than running the same distance for the same distance the faster you walk, the more energy you will use whether you run one mile or walk the same distance, you use the same energy