As soon as As long as As far as As well as
As far as As long as As much as As well as
As soon as As long as As far as As well as
As well as As long as As soon as As far as
As soon as As long as As far as As well as
excessive condenser cooling water warm food in the refrigerator a shortage of refrigerant s shortage of compressor oil
before if since although
As good as As long as As far as As well as
a shortage of compressor oil warm food in the refrigerator excessive condenser cooling water a shortage of refrigerant
live maintain survive enlarge
short shortage long longer
As well as As long as As soon as As far as
As soon as As long as As far as As well as
As well as As long as As soon as As far as
SHORT shortage long longer
As long as As far as As soon as As well as