3g/100g 6g/100g 9g/100g 12g/100g
it is extremely dangerous to fly in the dark noise regulations restrict the hours of airport operation some of its runways are not in good condition cargo planes produce disturbing noise
2.0g/100g 1.5g/100g 1.0g/100g 0.5g/100g
营养素含量声称 比较声称 功能声称 减少疾病危险的声称
“巧克力饼干”属于营养声称 “高蛋白”属于比较声称 “无糖”属于含量声称 “高DHA”属于比较声称
increased airport capacity lower property values effective modification of existing jet engines more transportation costs to and from airports
the effects of noise on the quality of life the role of air traffic restrictions the production of quieter engines the economic aspects of noise reduction
进行营养声称或营养成分功能声称的其他营养成分含量 核心营养素占营养素参考值的百分比 核心营养素含量值 能量
营养成分定义 营养成分表 营养声称 功能声称 营养配料
Psychological strain. Handling capacity of cargo. Measures for noise reduction. Public pressures.
a developed sense of beauty the volume of present-day traffic the most recently developed technology insulation of air traffic noise
营养素含量声称 营养素种类声称 功能声称 比较声称 减少疾病危险的声称