practice experience trip dream
Challenge Exploit Avoid Enhance
Challeng Exploit Avoid Enhance
襟翼/缝翼手柄不在0位,两台RA失效。 两台RA无效,与襟翼/缝翼无关。 PFD1上RA表示1号RA失效。 PFD1上RA表示2号RA失效。
promoted included secured awarded
Ra<40 Ra≥80 80>Ra≥60 60>Ra≥40
Challenge Exploit Avoid Enhance
Gradable antonymy. Complementary antonymy. Opposite antonymy. Converse antonymy.
Ra3.2~Ra1.6μm Ra3.2~Ra0.8μm Ra6.3~Ra3.2μm Ra1.6~Ra0.8μm
practice to play practice playing to practice playing practicing to play
Ra50μm~Ra12.5μm Ra12.5μm~Ra6.3μm Ra1.6μm~Ra0.8μm
Features of different types of interview. Skills in asking interview questions. Changes in three interview models. Suggestions for different job interviews.
promoted included secured awarded
stimulants function positively on the mind hallucinogens are in themselves harmful to health depressants are the worst type of psychoactive substances the three types of psychoactive substances are commonly used in groups
15rA in 30rA in 45rA in 60rA in 120rA in
practice singing practice to sing to practice singing to practice to sing