to which for which with which by which
which;which why;which why;that that;that
Giving; raised Given; raised Given; risen Giving; rising
supposed ported aroused raised
rose raised rise had raised
to which for which with which by which
with which for which to which by which
raised discussed come up talked about
supported cancelled aroused raised
to which for which with which by which
FIR滤波器容易设计成线性相位特性 FIR滤波器的脉冲响应长度是无限的 FIR滤波器的脉冲响应长度是确定的 对于相同的幅频特性要求,用FIR滤波器实现要比用IIR滤波器实现阶数低
supported cancell aroused raised
Giving, raised Giving, rising Given, risen Given, raised
rising highly raised high rising high raised highly
to which for which with which by which