gaining a lot of experience making a lot of money having a lot of trouble learning a lot of knowledge
enjoy have to do hate ignore
learn a skill help a youth project do business earn school credit
gaining a lot of experience making a lot of money having a lot of trouble learning a lot of knowledge
enjoy have to do hate ignore
gaining a lot of experience making a lot of money having a lot of trouble learning a lot of knowledge
learn a skill help a youth project do business earn school credit
learn a skill help a youth project do business earn school credit
gaining a lot of experience making a lot of money having a lot of trouble learning a lot of knowledge
enjoy have to do hate ignore
A high school. Students in a high school. Teachers in a high school. A business company.
Earning Money Students’ Life Little Business Kids’ Café
Earning Money Students’ Life Little Business Kids’ Cafe
they don’t think the skill to make coffee is necessary for students they think the cafe should be open for business they feel that the work is hard for students they think the special coffee is too expensive
Earning Money Students’ Life Little Business Kids’ Cafe
A high school. Students in a high school. Teachers in a high school. A business company.
they don’t think the skill to make coffee is necessary for students they think the cafe should be open for business they feel that the work is hard for students they think the special coffee is too expensive