workable convincing practical reliable
workable convincing practical reliable
scientific claims will survive challenges. discoveries today inspire future research. efforts to make discoveries are justified. scientific work calls for a critical mind.
has attracted the attention of the general public. has been examined by the scientific community. has received recognition from editors and reviewers. has been frequently quoted by peer scientists.
has attracted the attention of the general public has been examined by the scientific community has received recognition from editors and reviewers has been frequently quoted by peer scientists
workable convincing practical reliable
with; in in; with in; in with; with
clearing swinging sweeping swelling
workable convincing practical reliable
in; for in; to at; to at; for
Strange though it may seem As it may seem strange Strange although it may seem Because it may seem strange
optimistic positive sceptieal cautious
doubtful untouched certain silent
workable convincing practical reliable