IA 为2/√ 3IK; IB 为2/√3Ik; Ic 为2/√3IK; 三相均为2/√ 3Ik。
ik1≠i≠ik0 ik1=i≠ik0 ik1≠i=ik0 ik1=i=ik0
I should give him nothing. Tom liked the gift very much. I should buy him a bottle of champagne. I would make the champagne shower everybody.
Ik2=0.866Ik3 I″k2=0.866I″k3 Zs2=[(cUn2)2/S″s2]×103 Ik2=1.5Ik3
Ish=2.55IK Ish=1.51IK Ish=1.94IK Ish=1.09IK
I∞>I″>Ik I∞>Ik>I″ Ik=I∞=I″ Ik=I″≠I∞
Business organizations should not spend so much money to attract new customers Maintaining customers' patronage is the most important to business organizations' Customers are kings Organizations should pay more attention to the benefit of their customers
进入动画菜单,执行IK解算器下面的【HD解算器】命令,单击骨骼,最后单击曲线 选择父骨骼,进入动画菜单,执行IK解算器下面的【样条线IK解算器】命令,单击最末端的骨骼,最后单击曲线 选择父骨骼,进入动画菜单,执行IK解算器下面的【样条线IK解算器】命令,单击曲线,最后单击最末端的骨骼 进入动画菜单,执行IK解算器下面的【样条线IK解算器】命令,单击最末端的骨骼,最后单击曲线
2.55IK 1.51IK 1.94IK 1.09IK
HI(历史独立型) HD(历史依赖性) IK分支解算器 养条线IK解算器
Ik、Ik、0; Ik/√3、-Ik/√3、0; Ik/√3、-2Ik/√3、Ik/√3 -Ik/√3、2Ik/√3、-Ik/√3 。
HIIK解算器 HDIK解算器 样条线IK解算器 以上所有
him, me her, we I, them she, I
1.51Ik 1.84Ik 2.55IK 1.09Ik