large dirt particles in the oil supply insufficient lubricating oil and overheating normal wear water contamination of the lube oil
overlap crush lap or lead protrusion
123.1 123.4 123.1 123.46 123.127 123.46 123.1123.4
accuracy precision degree correctness
123.1 123.4 123.1 123.46 123.127 123.46 123.1123.4
round out round file reamer hole driller
prevent civilians on prevent civilians from Prevent civilians to Prevent civilians in
units of measure precision level organizational procedure links control thresholds
camshaft flywheel crankshaft thrust shaft
inductance capacitance resistance amperage
fused prefaced standardized expressed
clearance crush pitch thrust
make to make it it makes make it
accuracy precision degree correctness
Risk planning meeting Documentation reviews。 Data precision ranking Diagramming technique
Risk planning meetings Documentation reviews Data precision rankings Diagramming techniques
charted record of atmospheric temperature over time charted record of atmospheric pressure over time graphic record of combustible gases measured in an atmosphere graphic record of vapor pressure from a flammable/combustible liquid"
precise precision precisely preciseness
Specification Baseline Work package Work breakdown structure element
fused prefaced standardized expressed