but also except otherwise but rather
drink not not drink don’t drink not to drink
didn’t drink aren’t drinking don’t drink hadn’t drunk
don't drink; the healthier not to drink; the healthier not to drink; the more healthier don't drink; healthier
not drink don’t drink not to drink won’t drink
lonely; alone lonely; lonely alone; alone alone; lonely
lonely; alone alone; lonely lonely; lonely alone; alone
don’t drink; the healthier not to drink; the healthier B. not to drink; the more healthier don’t drink; healthier
don’t won’t didn’t haven’t
not to drink not drink did not drink don’t drink
not drink don’t drink not to drink won’t drink
didn’t drink aren’t drinking don’t drink hadn’t drunk
not to drink not drinking don’t drink not drink
didn’t drink aren’t drinking don’t drink hadn’t drunk
didn’t drink aren’t drinking don’t drink hadn’t drunk
lonely; alone lonely; lonely alone; alone alone; lonely
not to drink not drinking don’t drink not drink
didn’t drink aren’t drinking don’t drink hadn’t drunk
not to drink drink don’t drink not drink
not drinking not drink don’t drink not to drink