raised raising was rising rose
Water Use in the United States The Problem of Water Use Water Use in the World Water Use in the Twentieth Century
displacement weight power capacity
20-25% of earth's 6 billion people can use American English 20-25% of earth' s 6 billion people can use Dr. Johnson' s English 20-25% of earth's 6 billion people can use standard English 20-25% of earth's 6 billion people can use English though not idiomatic
how to use when to use where to use what to use
dwell-tachometer exhaust gas pyrometer fuel flow rate mete exhaust gas analyzer
rate velocity bandwidth period
rose raised arose aroused
wrestling with; by which pushing for; at which catching on; at which accounting for; on which
expand evaporate condense distil
rate velocity bandwidth period
results resulting resulted to result
how to use when to use where to use what to use
Small changes in the exchange rate do not matter to foreign exchange traders. The rate of exchange for paper money and coins is more favorable because they are actualforeign exchange. Forward rate is settled by a contact between a businessman and the bank. Every nation reduces restrictions on the use of foreign exchange to encourage exports and limitimports.
Water Use in the United States The Problem of Water Use Water Use in the World Water Use in the Twentieth Century
sound-produced organizing delivered call
results resulting to result resulted
prevent heat corrosion to internal components increase fuel delivery rate and economy prevent pre-ignition avoid carbonization of the nozzle tips
每5小时2.5ml一3.5ml 每小时2.5ml~3.5ml 每5小时12.5ml-17.5ml 每小时150ml--210ml 以上均不对