typedef struct
int n;char c;);
REC t1,t2; struct REC;
int n;char c;)REC;
REC t1,t2; typedef struct REC;
int n;char c;REC; struct
int n=0;char c='A';t1,t2;
REC t1,t2;
typedef struct
{int n; char c;}REC;
REC t1,t2; struct REC;
{int n; char c;};
REC t1,t2; typedef struct REC;
{ int n=0; char c='A';} t1,t2; stmct
{ int n; char c;} REC;
REC t1,t2;
typedef struct int n; char c;REC; REC t1,t2; struct REC; int n; char c;; REC t1,t2; typedef struct REC; int n=0; char c='A'; t1,t2; stmct int n; char c; REC; REC t1,t2;
typedef struct int n;char c; REC; REC t1,t2; struct REC; int n;char c;; REC t1,t2; typedef struct REC; int n=0; char c='A';t1,t2; struct int n;char c;REC; REC t1,t2;
typedef struct {int n; char c;}REC; REC t1,t2; struct REC; {int n; char c;}; REC t1,t2; typedef struct REC; { int n=0; char c='A';} t1,t2; stmct { int n; char c;} REC; REC t1,t2;
typedef struct struct REC; int n;char c;REC; int n;char c;; REC t1,t2; REC t1,t2; typedef struct REC; struct int n=0;char c='A';t1,t2; int n;char c;REC; REC t1,t2;
typedef struct struct REC;
int n;char c;REC; int n;char c;;
REC t1,t2; REC t1,t2; typedef struct REC; struct
int n=0;char c='A';t1,t2; int n;char c;REC;
REC t1,t2;
typedef struct int n; char c;REC; REC t1,t2; struct REC; int n; char c;; REC t1,t2; typedef struct REC; int n=0; char c='A';t1,t2; struct int n;char c;REC; REC t1,t2;
You must keep your course and speed You may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clear The other vessel must keep her course and speed Both vessels must keep their course and speed"
typedef struct int n; char c; REC; REC t1, t2; struct REC; int n; char c;; REC t1, t2; typedef struct REC; int n=0; char c='A'; t1, t2; struct int n; char c; REC; REC t1, t2;
typedef struct int n;char c;REC; REC t1,t2; struct REC; int n;char c;); REC t1,t2; typedef struct REC; int n=0;char c=’A’;t1,t2; struct int n;char c;REC; REC t1,t2;
typedef struct
int n;char c;REC;
REC t1,t2; struet REC;
int n;char c;;
REC t1,t2; typedef struct REC;
int n=0;char c='A';t1,t2;
REC t1,t2; struct
int n;char c;REC;
typedef struct
int n;char c;REC;
REC t1,t2; struct REC;
int n;char c;;
REC t1,t2; typedef struct REC;
int n=0;char c='A';t1,t2; struct
int n;char c;REC;
REC t1,t2;
typedef struct int n;char c;); REC t1,t2; struct REC; int n;char c;)REC; REC t1,t2; typedef struct REC; int n;char c;REC; struct int n=0;char c='A';t1,t2; REC t1,t2;
typedef struct struct REC; int n;char c;REC; int n;char c;; REC t1,t2; REC t1,t2; typedef struct REC; struct int n=0;char c='A';t1,t2; int n;char c;REC; REC t1,t2;