international students work in part time to have more contact with British people international students have more conversations with British students in pubs the university provide more cultural activities for overseas students universities set up more pubs for students to develop drinking culture
more than twice as twice as many twice as many as more than twice as many
South Africa controlled about $19.9 billion in sales in 1980. There were more and more Latin American companies engaged in business in the U. S.. In 1979 Hong Kong was the largest foreign investor in the U. S.. The combined sales of the top 100 foreign investing companies increased steadily.
be delicate to their study take more social activities be used to the life on campus spend more time on all-English environment
a little more a more little more a little more little a
challenge share adventure choice
more active;more actively active;more actively more active;the most actively active;the most actively
the more popular students the most popular students the most popular student the more popular student
A. listen to listen listening listened
much more easy less easy a bit more easy a lot easier
more active; more actively active; more actively more active; the most actively active; the most actively
more carefully; any other more carefully; any more careful; any other more careful; any
diligent more diligent the most diligent the more diligent
more than than more more and more