composing of making up consisted of accounted for
the Internet. the digital technology. the mobile phone. Personal Computer.
person computers personal counting person circumstance personal computers
standardized symptoms of a patient personal data assistance transmitted complex medical images real physiological data from a patient
PDA有游戏娱乐功能,对我们的学习没有帮助 PDA是“个人数字助理“(Personal Digital Assistant)的英文缩写 PDA俗称掌上电脑,是常用的个人信息管理工具 有的PDA还具有拍摄功能
is changing has changed will have changed will change
have been have will be were
PDA机身、按键、窗口无尘无垢 平均每6床配备一台 PDA无自行安装软件 PDA宜使用专用手写笔
standardized symptoms of a patient personal data assistance transmitted complex medical images real physiological data from a patient