graceful creative sudden dramatic
sudden evaporation of wax crystals in the lubricant sudden evaporation of entrapped air in the lubricant release of refrigerant from the oilefrigerant mixture release of dissolved lubricant from the refrigerant
the sudden change of social atmosphere and customs the sudden change of our daily habits the sudden loss of our own signs and symbols the discomfort that we feel when faced with a foreigner
which the sudden operational failure that the sudden operational failure the sudden operational failure the sudden operational failure of which
reasonable dramatic humiliating horrifying
all of suddenly all of sudden all of at once all of a sudden
comprehensive dramatic crucial typical
minor striking fixed modest
Sudden, other Suddenly, the other As sudden, another Suddenly, another
reasonable dramatic humiliating horrifying
minor striking fixed modest
all of suddenly all of sudden all of at once all of a sudden
graceful creative sudden dramatic
graceful creative sudden dramatic