mustn’t must needn’t need
No, you needn’t No, you mustn’t Yes, you need Yes, you must
May I clean up your room right now? May I know your room? May I come in your room? May I clean up?
don't needn't mustn't can’t
No, you must Yes, you need N
can' t may not mustn' t needn' t
must be cleaned must be cleaning must cleaned must clean
can’t needn’t mustn’t shouldn’t
can’t may not mustn’t needn’t
can' t may not mustn' t needn' t
can’t needn’t mustn’t shouldn’t
mustn't needn't can't don't
mustn’t must needn’t need
you mustn't you needn't y
may not needn’t can’t mustn’t
mustn’t can’t may not needn’t
may not needn’t can’t mustn’t