proved impressed permitted shaped
at times time before time time and again for the time being
as a clever boy as a boy clever as clever a boy as clever boy
Thanks a lot What a pity I'm sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
Excuse me I’d like to I’m afraid not It’s a pleasure
Thanks a lot What a pity I’m sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
achievement advance increase improvement
impressed changed bothered annoyed
It’s a pity Thanks a lot I’m sorry to hear that. Thanks anyway.
Thanks a lot What a pity I’m sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
the more beautiful a most beautiful a much beautiful a more beautiful
to help; to help helping; helping help; to help to help; help
dates back to dated back to is dated back to was dated back to
Thanks a lot What a pity I’m sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
Thanks a lot What a pity I'm sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
conveyed swapped exchanged switched
The first time At first It was the first time For the first time