know to know knows knowing
I want to know the life here beforE. I don’t know the life here beforE. I don’t want to know the life here in the past. I know the life here in the past.
want want to want doing to want
want want to want it to want
want… would go want… will go wanted… would go wanted… will go
what I can what can I how I can how can I
Never mind. You can ask whatever you want. I’ d like to know what inquiry it is. I’ m sorry. I know little about it. Yes, of course. So far as I know.
Never mind. You can ask whatever you want. I' d like to know what inquiry it is. I' m sorry. I know little about it. Yes, of course. So far as I know.
know to know knows knowing
to know know knowing Knows
Have you made up your mind what you want What do you want Can I help you Do you like it
Have you made up your mind what you want What will you buy Can I help you Do you like it
Never mind. You can ask whatever you want. I' d like to know what inquiry it is. I' m sorry. I know little about it. Yes, of course. So far as I know.