ELISA Western-blot IF(immunofluorescenc dot-ELISA RIA
processes and puts into order the information which comes in is usually better developed than the left side in western society is usually not as well developed as the left side in western is usually developed as well as the left side in western society
ELISA检测HIV抗原 RT-PCR检测HIV-mRNA Western印迹法检测抗体组分 Western印迹法检测抗原组分 重复初筛试验
Western food than Chinese food have Chinese food than Western food to have Western food than Chinese food have Western food than Chinese food
Is that right How do you know that Do you really think so Who told you that
much more delicious than less delicious than not as delicious as as delicious as
ELISA RIA Western blot PCR IFA
ELISA检测HIV抗体 PCR检测HIV的RNA Western印迹法检测抗体组分 Western印迹法检测抗原组分 病毒分离培养
A.that which what Whether
Who told you that? How do you know that? Is that right? Do you really think so?
the traditional culture should be replaced by western civilization. Japanese ought to forsake the Confucian civilization of the East. the Confucian civilization in Japan should be revived. Japan should introduce western civilization.
they don't like human sciences they are afraid they might meet with unfair judgment in these areas there is a wide difference between Asian and Western cultures they know little about American cultures and Western cultures
Northern blot Western blot Southern blot Dot blot FISH
visit the U. S. and Western Europe to improve the ties between China and them come closer to the U. S. and Western Europe close the door of China to the U. S. and Western Europe improve the ties between the U. S. and Western Europe
Is that right? How do you know that? Do you really think so? Who told you that?
Western food than Chinese food have Chinese food than Western food to have Western food than Chinese food have Western food than Chinese food
Western Eastern Asian Most
rather good than much better than more better than not so good as