To stop talking. To stop watching the film. To tell her something important.
字节(Byt 二进制位(bi 字(Wor 双字(Double Wor
字节(Byt 二进制位(bi 字(Wor【答案】D) 双字(Double Wor【答案】D)
thread further worth through
Stop doing If you stop doing If you don't stop doing You stop doing
Stop doing If you stop doing If you don’t stop doing You stop doing
字节(Byt 进制位(bi 字(Wor 字(Double Wor
字节(Byt 二进位(bi 字(Wor 双字(Double Wor
stop repair to stop repair stop repairing stop to repair
字节(Byte) 二进制位(bit) 字(Wor【答案】D) 双字(Double Wor【答案】D)
字节(Byt 进制位(bi 字(Wor 双字(Double Wor
How, stop What, to stop How, stopped What a, stopping
stops crying stopped to cry stop cried stop crying
Project statement of wor Configuration management requiremen Project scope statemen Work breakdown structur
do stopping take to stop take stopping do to stop