to play with playing with to play plays
The cold front overtaking the warm The warm front following the cold The depression extending from its center The formation of bad weather belt"
waiting for death on top of a mountain in winter being trapped in a mountain swept by wind in severe winter taking a cold shower right out of bed slipping on a frozen lake
and or because of because
trembling tiresome dizzy timid
Yo/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/△-11 Yo/△-11;Y/Yo-12;Y/△-11 Y/△-11;Yo/Y-12;Y/Y-12 Y/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/Yo-12
Y 侧故障相电流等于 Yo 侧故障相电流 Y 侧故障相电流等于 Yo 侧故障相电流的 2/3 Y 侧非故障相电流等于 Yo 侧故障相电流的 1/3 Y 侧故障相电流等于 Yo 侧故障相电流的 3/2
no temperature at all an ice-cold valley as cold as space the lowest temperature in earth.
Something Anything Nothing Everything
Yo/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/△-11 Yo/△-11;Y/Yo-12;Y/ △-11 Y/△一ll;Yo/Y-12;Y/Y-12 Y/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/Yo-12