bread is breads is breads are bread are
similar like Florida somewhat similar like Florida so much like Florida somewhat like that of Florida
Right Wrong Not mentioned
under the sun in the sun over the sun against the sun
the sun had; than had the sun; than had the sun; when the sun had; when
as bad as no better than no worse than not better than
bakes is baked is baking is being baked
disappearance of the Sun’s gravity. unpredictable weather of the Sun. fast flow of energy away from the Sun. a stream of particles being blown away.
as terrible as not better than no worse than no better than
does the sun give the sun gives gives the sun the sun does give
right wrong not mentioned
Baked lobster with cheese teriyaki lobster Roast lobsterwith Black pepper sauce Fried lobster with sichuan sauce
he was caught by the sudden cold. he needed formal clothes. fashion in Florida is tempting. Florida is hot compared with England.
Not baking Not having baked Not being baked Not having been baked
Not baking Not having baked Not being baked Not having been baked
as bad as no worse than no better than not better than
would not bake did not bake will not have baked would not have baked
under the sun in the sun over the sun against the sun