do you need you don’t you needn’t you
do you need you don’t you needn’t you
how difficult does it seem however it seems difficult however seems it difficult how difficult it seems
I’d like to talk with you I’m really tired of this I hate to say this I need your help
which words do you need to look up you need to look up which words which words need you look up which words you need to look up
don’t need come not need coming needn’t come need not to come
That all depends! No, thanks. I can manage it myself. It’s a pleasurE. It couldn’t be better. Thank you all the samE.
No, thanks Yes, I do It’s kind of you Up to you
will can need to will be able to may
as though in case even if now that
avoiding to lose to avoid losing avoiding losing to avoid to lose
needs not have need not have need not has does not need have
hardly exactly really possibly
What seems to be the problem I beg your pardon Repeat And what
come back come over come around come out