as a result of in place of in exchange for in terms of
Bo-Bo 2(Bo-Bo) Bo-Bo-Bo Co一oC
Bo—Bo 2(Bo—Bo) Bo—Bo—Bo Co—Co
will function functioned is functioning has functioned
set Txt Bo focus set Txt Bo focus=true Txt Bo Set Focus Txt Bo Set Focus=true
Co—Co 2(Bo—Bo) Bo—Bo Bo—Bo—Bo
Bo—Bo Bo—Bo—Bo 2(Bo—Bo) Co—Co
What What's color What color Whats'color
hands off "Whats up" handshake high-five embrace
AO为冷锋,BO为暖锋 AO为暖锋,BO为冷锋 AO、BO都是暖锋 AO、BO都是冷锋
Who checked Whoever inspected No matter who examined Those who estimates
in terms of in case of as a result of in face of