Right Wrong Not mentioned
a great fun; make funs of good fun; make fun of very funny; play a joke of fun; be laughed by
Right Wrong Not mentioned
as funny a; he did the same funny; he did it such a funny; he did so as a funny; he did
Right Wrong Not mentioned
a great fun; make funs of good fun; make fun of very funny; play a joke of fun; be laughed by
fun funny funnier more funny
Right Wrong Not mentioned
fun funny it funny it fun
bored happy interesting funny
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
a great fun; make funs of good fun; make fun of very funny; play a joke of fun; be laughed by
what a funny boy What funny boy How funny boy How a funny boy
Right Wrong Not mentioned
as funny a; he did the same funny; he did it such a funny; he did so as a funny; he did
He likes funny and energetic things He is funny and energetic He looks like his funny and energetic father He feels energetic