Acut Einfection Typhoi D Acut Epancreatitis Appendicitis Miocardial infarction
laser-doppler radar is more accurate than microwave radar microwave radar operates at a higher frequency than laser-doppler radar the light-beam radar can measure only slow speeds with accuracy microwave radar may not ensure absolute precision in measuring varying speeds
Echoes from a buoy Own ship's marker Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed"
Serrated range rings Indirect echoes Multiple echoes Blind sector"
Echo特效前面所有的特效均做无效处理 Echo特效后面的特效均做无效处理 Echo特效不会影响片段上施加的其他特效 除Echo特效以外的特效均无效
echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME
echo Current shell’s PID://$$ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Current shell’s PID://$@ echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME
echo Current shell’s PID://$@ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Current shell’s PID://$$
echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME
echo Current shell’s PID:$$ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Current shell’PID:$@ echO UserHOme directOIy:$LOGNAME
echo Current shell’sPID:$@ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Current shell’sPID:$$
echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME
echo Current shell’s PID:$$ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Current shell’s PID:$@ echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME
echo Current shell’s PID://$@ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Current shell’s PlD:$$
echo UserHome directorY:$LOGNAME
echo Carrent shell’Ss PID://$$ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Carrent shell’PID://$@ echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME
echo Carrent shell’s PID://$@ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Carrent shell’s PID://$$
laser-doppler radar is more accurate than microwave radar microwave radar may not ensure absolute precision in measuring varying speeds the light-beam radar can measure only slow speeds with accuracy microwave radar operates at a higher frequency than laser-doppler radar
Gradual Echo Grade Echo Grand Echo Gradient Echo Gradation Echo
X-band radar S-band radar C-band radar No radar can"
cho UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Carrent shell's PID://$$ echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Carrent shell's PID://$@ echo UserHome directory:$ LOGNAME echo Carrent shell's PID://S@ echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Carrent shell's PID://$$
environment echo$path echo$PATH echo$environment
Echo特效前面所有的特效均做无效处理 Echo特效后面的特效均做无效处理 Echo特效不会影响片断上施加的其他特效 除Echo特效以外的特效都无效
echo0>/proc/syset/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all echo1>/proc/syset/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all echo0>/proc/syset/ipv4/tcp_syncookies echo1>/proc/syset/ipv4/tcp_syncookies
caused wished guessed dressed