was staying , stayed would stay had stayed
wouldn’t mustn’t shouldn’t needn’t
mustn’t oughtn’t needn’t shouldn’t
was staying would stay had stayed stayed
equivalent equal alike likely
wouldn’t mustn’t shouldn’t needn’t
was staying stayed would stay had stayed
was staying stayed would stay had stayed
was staying stayed would stay had stayed
资产报废义务(ARO)使折旧费用增加 在损益表中,对ARO费用进行分摊将使营业现金流相应下降 在财务分析中,特定期间内的增值费用应当被视为利息费用
was staying stayed would stay had stayed
wouldn’t shouldn’t mustn’t needn’t
wouldn’t mustn’t shouldn’t needn’t
equivalent uniform alike likely
was staying stayed would stay had stayed
for; for with; with with; for for; with
for; for with; with with; for for; with
was staying stayed would stay had stayed
equivalent uniform alike likely
had stayed stayed was staying would stay