always usually often hardly
how can I get the book if I could get the book where I could get the book where could I get the book
why you are late again what were you doing then who you talked with how do you came to school
little, either not much, so a little, either much, too
Yes, I could You’re welcome SurE. I’m coming now That’s right
Yes, I could No, I couldn’t Ok, I’d be glad to No, you can’t
Yes, I can. I coulD. SurE. I could tell you.
Would you like How about Would you mind Could you please
Yes, I can. I coulD. SurE. I could tell you.
as soon as possible as soon as possibly as soon as you could as possible as you can
I’m still on the fencE. It is hard to please all. Don’t have too many irons in the firE. Diamond cuts diamonD.
Yes, I could No, I couldn’t SurE. Here you are No, that’s no problem
come have come am coming came
Yes,I could No,I couldn't SurE. Here you are No,that's no problem
Yes, sure I'm sorry Excuse me Good idea
come have come am coming came
why you are late again what were you doing then who you talked with how do you come to school
Hold on, please I’m Miss Fang Who are you? She is at work
Yes, I could No, I couldn’t SurE. Here you are No, that’s no problem
how do you come to school what were you doing then who you talked with why you are late again