hate white lies believe white lies value honesty consider others dishonest
hate white lies believe white lies value honesty consider others dishonest
she was rich his father asked her she was kind-hearted the boy loved her
standing man man stood man standing
Dick’s father could catch no fish in winter Dick’s father had a boat in winter Dick’s father had to look after him in winter no food was sold in winter
it is common that people tell white lies Dick could do nothing about bad traffic it is common that people delay their payment Dick found it hard to deal with everyday problems
lying is an age-old human problem dishonesty increases as people get older people were dishonest in the 18th century it is social conditions that make people tell lies
it is common that people tell white lies Dick could do nothing about bad traffic it is common that people delay their payment Dick found it hard to deal with everyday problems
hate white lies believe white lies value honesty consider others dishonest
marry a wife give his aunt nice presents buy a farm build a house
lying is an age-old human problem dishonesty increases as people get older people were dishonest in the 18th century it is social conditions that make people tell lies
it is common that people tell white lies Dick could do nothing about bad traffic it is common that people delay their payment Dick found it hard to deal with everyday problems
lying is an age-old human problem dishonesty increases as people get older people were dishonest in the 18th century it is social conditions that make people tell lies
Dick’s father could catch no fish in winter Dick’s father had a boat in winter Dick’s father had to look after him in winter no food was sold in winter
energy power strength force