in order that so that as soon as even though
H2S>H2SO3>I->Br- Br->I->H2SO3>H2S H2SO3>H2S>Br->I- I.->Br->H2S>H2SO3
So I did So I do So did I So doI.
H2S 、H2SO3、I-、Br- I- 、Br-、H2SO3、H2S H2S 、I- 、Br-、H2SO3 I-、Br-、H2S、H2SO3
H2S>H2SO3>I->Br- Br->I->H2SO3>H2S H2SO3>H2S>Br->I- I.->Br->H2S>H2SO3
in order that so that as soon as even though
H2SO3>I->Fe2+>NO I.-> H2SO3> Fe2+>NO Fe2+>I.-> H2SO3>NO NO> Fe2+> H2SO3>I.-
H2S>H2SO3>I->Br- Br->I->H2SO3>H2S H2SO3>H2S>Br->I- I->Br->H2S>H2SO3
as if so long as now that in order that
H2S、H2SO3、I-、Br- I-、Br-、H2SO3、H2S
H2S、I-、Br-、H2SO3 I-、Br-、H2S、H2SO3
So do I So can I So am I So will I
H2S>SO2>I.->Br- I.->Br->SO2>H2S
H2S>I.->Br-> SO2 I.->Br->H2S>SO2
So do I So can I So am I So willI.
in order that so that as soon as even though
in order that so that as soon as even though