date, day day, date date, date day, day
Sunday July 3rd 5 o'clock 2008
What time is it What day is it today When is it today What’s the date today
date, day day, date date, date day, day
It’s fine today It’s Sunday today. Everything goes well,thanks. Have a good time!
Thursday Saturday Sunday Monday
What's day What date What day What's date
What day is it today? What’s the time? What’s the date today? Is it Monday today?
It's Sunday It's Saturday It's Tuesday It's Monday
what day is it today what’s the time what’s the date today what’s the weather like today
How is it today. What day is it today? What's the date today? What is it?
Sunday August the nineth the first of May October fifth
What day is it today What’s the time now What’s the date today What’s twenty and ten
sunny Sunday June 26 Seven o’clock
What day is today What’s today What’s the date What is the time
What’s the day What’s the time What day is it today? What’s the date today?
What’s the date What time is it What day is it today What’s today
go to school go to work go home go to bed
What day is it today What's the time now What's the date today What's twenty and ten