Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open "Person. txt" For Output As #1 B. Name = InputBox( "输入姓名" ) B. TelNum = InputBox( "输入电话号码" ) Write #1, B. Name, B. TelNum Close #1 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open "Person. txt" For Input As #1 B. Name = InputBox( "输入姓名" ) B. TelNum = InputBox( "输入电话号码" ) Print #1, B. Name, B. TelNum
Private Sub Commandl_Click() Dim B As Books Open"d:/P1.txt"For Output As #1 Name=InputBox( "姓名") TelNum=InputBox("电话号码") Write #1, Name, TelNum Close #1 EndSub Private Sub Commandl_Click() Dim B As Books Open" d:/Ptxt" For Input As Name=InputBox ("姓名") TelNum=InputBox ("电话号码") Print #1, Name, TelNum Close #1 EndSub Private Sub Commandl_Click() Dim B As Books Open"d:/P1. txt"For Output As Name=InputBox("姓名") TelNum=InputBox ("电话号码") Write #1,B Close #1 EndSub Private Sub Commandl Cliek() Open"d:/P1.txt" For Input As Name=InputBox("姓名") TelNum=InputBox ("电话号码") Print #1,Name,TelNum Close #1 EndSub
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:/Person.txt"For Input As#1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print#1.Name.TeINum Close#1 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:/Person.txt"For Output As#1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1,B
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open "c: /Person. txt" For Output As #1 B. Name = InputBox( "输入姓名" ) B. TelNum = InputBox( "输入电话号码" ) Write #1, B. Name, B. TelNum Close #1 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open "c: /Person. txt" For Input As #1 B. Name = InputBox( "输入姓名" ) B. TelNum = InputBox( "输入电话号码" ) Print #1, B. Name, B. TelNum
Sub Command1_C1ick() Dim student As studtype Dim record_no As Integer record_no=1 With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With Open" c:/student.dat" For input As # 1 len=len(student) Put # 1,record_no,student Close #1 End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim MyRecord As Record,Position Open"d:/F1.dat"For Random As#1 Len=Len(My Recor Position=4 Get#1,Position,Myrecord Close #1 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim MyRecord As Record,Position Open"d:/F1.dat"For Random As #1 Len=Len(MyRecor Position=4 Put #1,Position,MyRecord Close#1 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim MyRecord As Record,Position Open"d:/F1.dar"For OutPut As #1 Len=Len(My Recor Position=4 Get #1,Position,MyRecord Close#1 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim MyRecord As record,Position Open"d:/F1.dat"For lnput As #1 Len=Len(MyRecor Position=4 Get #1,Position,MyRecord Close#1 End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dint B As Books Open"c:/Person.txt"For Output As#1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write # 1,B.Name,B.TelNum Close # 1 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B AS Books Open"C:/Person.txt"For Input As#1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print # 1,B.Name,B.TelNum