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物质流通率 ratio of material flow



Keep the plant running all time  Start another blower  Increase the ratio of circulated to fresh air  Reduce the seawater flow to the condenser  
increased horsepower  reduced efficiency  increased heat loss  lower cylinder pressures  
邮政通信担负着传递国家政令、公文和沟通各级党政军机关之间联系的重任  邮政通信是人民群众沟通信息、联络感情的最普遍的通信方式  邮政通信是市场经济条件下,物质流通的重要渠道  根据用户的要求把附有信息的实物由甲地传递到乙地  
regulating the ratio between torque and speed via the torque limiter at the motor  directing the motor output flow through a bypass line  maintaining a constant flow and pressure input  controlling the input flow rate