happened happened to happening happened with
happened to see was happened to see was happened to be seen happened to be seen
had had;had happened were having;happened had;was happening would have;happened
what happened to him what did he happen what he happened what was the matter to him
happened to notice was taken place to notice was happened to be noticed happened to be noticed
had happened had been happened has happened has been happened
should happen might happen must have happened can have happened
kept head otherwise had happened
happened to notice was taken place to notice was happened to be noticed happened to be noticed
did he happen happened happened to him happened to he
has happened had happened happened should happen
what he happened what the matter is with him what happened to him what did he happened
happened to was happened on was happening to was happening on
happening had happened has happened happened
happened to notice was taken place to notice was happened to be noticed happened to be noticed
that had happened that had happened to him what had been happened what had happened to him
What he happened? What the matter is with him? What happened to him? What did he happened?
was happened was happening has happened will happen
What’s happened with him What happened with him What happened to him What’s the wrong with him
should have happened could have happened must have happened would have happened