two bottles of orange two bottles of oranges two bottle of oranges two bottle of orange
two bottles of ink two bottle of ink two bottle of inks two bottles of inks
two bottle of oranges two bottle of orange two bottles of oranges two bottles of orange
Two bottle of orange Two bottle of oranges Two bottles of orange Two bottles of oranges
two bottle of milk two bottles of milk two bottles of milks two bottle of milks
two bottles of orange two bottles of oranges two bottle of oranges two bottle of orange
some oranges two boxes of chocolates some cakes two bottles of orange
bottle of milk bottles of milk bottles of milks bottle of milks
two orange two bottle of oranges two bottles of orange two bottles of oranges
bottle of milk bottles of milk bottles of milks bottle of milks
some oranges two boxes of chocolates sortie cakes two bottles of orange
two bottle of milk two bottles of milks two bottle of milks two bottles of milk
two bottle of milk two bottles of milks two bottle of milks two bottles of milk
any; bottles of orange little; bottle of oranges some; bottles of orange a few; bottle of orange
Two pop Two bottles pop Two bottles of pop Two bottle of pop
two bottle of milk two bottle milk two bottles of milk two bottle of milks
two bottles of milks two bottles milk two bottles of milk two bottle milks