P沟道增强型MOS管和N沟道增强型MOS管 P沟道耗尽型MOS管和N沟道耗尽型MOS管 P沟道增强型MOS管和N沟道耗尽型MOS管 P沟道耗尽型MOS管和N沟道增强型MOS型
News stories tell the facts without any comments. News stories contain both facts and opinions. News stories reflect the opinions of the publisher and editor. News stories express the writer's opinions.
entertained in listened to concentrating upon worried about
will have is going to be i
News Information Messages Advice
a; four an; four a; fourth an; fourth
the headlines the sports page the front page the classified advertisements
the lead paragraphs of the news stories on front pages the headlines inside the pages the lead paragraphs of the news stories the headlines of some current news on the front pages
notice news information expression
the real news the sports page comics advertisements
read newspapers read stories and editorials find important news stories be a careful newspaper reader
News Information Messages Advice