I’m not in the least tired I’m too tired to move I’m not a little tired I’m a bit tired
thirsty tired hungry sick
should shouldn’t will won’t
I’m not in the least tired I’m too tired to move I’m not a little tired I’m a bit tired
take me some water take me any water bring me some water bring me any water
stop having stop to having stop be having stop to have
I’d love to ,but I'm too busy to come Oh,no.That’ll be too tired I’1l stay at home Yes,please
Sure, I'd love to No. That'll be too tired I'll stay at home Yes, please
miss circulate seek get tired of
I am not a little tired I am not in the least tired You go ahead please I’ll stop and rest together with you
make money make a living make coffee make trouble
Oh,no.That’ll be too tired I’ll stay at home Yes,please I’d love to,but I have lots of things to do