look at look for look after look up
What does; like What’s; look like What does; look like How’s; look like
look like; thin look; shy like; friendly likes; tall
look at look for look after look up
What is he? Who is he? What do he look like? What does he look like?
What’s for What’s up So what How’s up
Why not it in the dictionary? A.look; for look; over look; down look; up
What’s he like What does he like What is he look like What does he look
look at look for look after look up
What’s for What’s up So what How’s up
What’s; likes What does; like What is; look like What’s; like
What’s for What’s up So what How’s up
What color is it Where is your pen Who is the book What’s this?
look at look like look for look after
Look off Look over Look out of Look for
What’s for What’s up So what How’s up
What’s he like What does he like What is he look like What does he look like
What are you What’s the matter What’s the wrong What’s that
Why What are you doing What's the wrong What's wrong
, What’s up What’s for What are you up to So what