not until midnight that he went until midnight that he didn’t go not until midnight did he go until midnight when he didn’t go
walk home walk to home go to home on foot go home on feet
Yes, he can be at homE. No, he couldn’t go out Yes, he must be at home No, he needn’t go out
Yes, he can be at home No, he couldn’t go out Yes, he must be at home No, he needn’t go out
not until midnight did he go until midnight that he didn’t go not until midnight that he went until midnight when he didn’t go
Yes, he can be at homE. No, he couldn’t go out. Yes, he must be at homE. No, he needn’t go out.
not until midnight did he go until midnight that he didn’t go not until midnight that he went until midnight when he didn’t go
walk home walk to home go to home on foot go home on feet
not until midnight did he go not until midnight that he went until midnight that he didn't go until midnight when he didn't go
not until midnight did he go until midnight that he didn't go not until midnight that he went until midnight when he didn't go
Yes,he can be at home No,he couldn't go out Yes,he must be at home No,he needn't go out
not until midnight did he go until midnight that he didn’t go not until midnight that he went until midnight when he didn’t go
not until midnight did he go until midnight that he didn’t go not until midnight that he went until midnight when he didn’t go
not until midnight did he go not until midnight that he went until midnight that he he didn’t go until midnight when he didn’t go.
not until midnight did he go until midnight that he didn’t go
not until midnight that he went until midnight when he didn’t go
not until midnight did he go until midnight he didn’t go not until midnight that he went until midnight when he didn’t go
Yes, he can be at home No, he mustn't go out Yes, he must be at home No, he needn't go out
It was not until midnight did he go It was until midnight that he didn’t go Not until midnight did he go It was midnight that he didn’t go
not until midnight did he go until midnight that he didn’t go not until midnight that he went until midnight when he didn’t go