what you were doing what you are doing what were you doing what are you doing
what you were doing what were you doing what you are doing what are you doing
transform; from transform; into change; into turn; into
playing washing feeding teaching
when they are playing what they are doing w
what were you doing what are you doing what you are doing what you were doing
fortune chance destination reputation
have been looked have been looking looked had been looking
m. yesterday? A. what are you doing what you are doing what were you doing what you were doing
what you were doing what were you doing what you are doing what are you doing
what you were doing what were you doing what you are doing what are you doing
To tell me Telling me If you tell me Tell me
is sounding sounded is sounded sounds
what you were doing what were you doing what you are doing what are you doing
what are you doing what you are doing what you will be doing what will you be doing