failures winners athletes players
When athletes take steroid creams, they would be definitely tested. The testing system is not exact enough because the athletes are informed testing schedules beforehand. More than half of the Olympic--caliber U.S. athletes have taken the dreadful drugs to win the game Erythropoietin is a kind of drug that can enhance an athlete's performance in 20 minutes.
final修饰的类不能被继承 final修饰的方法不能被子类重写 final修饰的变量即成为常量 一个类声明为final,该类包含的方法和变量也声明为final
static int i; final i; static final int i=234; final float i=3.14f;
failures winners athletes layers
failures winners athletes players
people players teams athletes
String类是final类故可以继承 String类是final类故不可以继承 String类不是final类故不可以继承 String类不是final类故可以继承
people players teams athletes
The organization for the Olympic Games must be improved. Athletes should compete as individuals in the Olympic Games. Sport should be played competitively rather than for the love of the game. International contests are liable for misunderstanding between nations.
people persons teams athletes
people persons teams athletes
failures winners athletes players