bill of lading;bill of loading bill of lading;bill of entry bill of entry;bill of loading bill of loading;bill of lading
bill of ladin9; bill of loadin9 bill of ladin9; bill of entry bill of entry; bill of loading bill of loadin9; bill of lading
packing list sales contract letter of credit sales confirmation
divisible L/C;sight L/C sight L/C;divisible L/C divisible L/G;irrevocable L/G irrevocable L/G;divisible L/G
divisible L/C;sight L/C sight L/C;divisible L/C divisible L/C://irrevocable L/C irrevocable L/C;divisible L/C
dry weight;customs declaration form credit;customs declaration form customs declaration form;credit customs declaration form;draft
S/CNo. B/LNo. C/LNo. L/CNo.
bill of lading; bill of loading bill of loading; bill of entry bill of entry; bill of loading bill of loading; bill of lading
credit;dry weight;customs declaration form B.draft;credit;customs declaration form C.customs declaration form,;draft;credit D.credit;customs declaration form;draft
Revocable L/C Transferable L/C Confirmed L/C Negotiation L/C
bill of lading;bill of loading bill of loading;bill Of entry bill Of entry;bill Of loading bill of loading;bill of lading
credit;proformainvoice credit;purchase order customs declaration form;proforma invoice customs declaration form;purchase order