To request an overdue payment To ask for an extension on payment due To notify the client that the account has been settled To offer a special type of a service
APR功能通过光监控通道实现,占有光监控通道的一个64kb/s; 在OTM站点如果使用了APSF,通过APSF控制APR实施,如果没有APSF,通过OSC控制APR实施; 对于使用拉曼放大器的跨段,要启动APR功能不需使用OPM单板完成光缆中断的检测; 没有使用拉曼放大器的跨段,完成APR功能使用下游OA输入有、无光作为检测条件;
当AB两点间光缆断时,APR功能启动,线路上所有放大器均输出无光 APR只在出现光路中断的两点间启动 16 APR功能的启动是出于对光放大盘的保护
in; compared to to; compared with in; compared with by; compared to
He will send a check every month It will be taken out of his bank account It will automatically be deleted from his paycheck He will bring cash to the company
in; compared to by; compared with in; compared with by; compared to
If he runs into further problems with payments As soon as he is ready to make the payment If he is in need of using the service again Once he finishes paying off all the money
whether that he had seen her purse whether he had seen her purse that whether he had seen her purse that if he has seen her purse