to make making made having made
Right Wrong Not mentioned
deviations derivatives . deprivations depressions
To carry out WTO agreement To act as a forum for ongoing multilateral negotiations to implement,administer,and carry out the WTO Agreement and its annexes To cooperate with the IMF and the World Bank
trained checked changed turned
carry off carry down carry on carry over
versatile various . variant variable
transparent impermeable translucent inaccessible
surprised visitors from Waseda University. can move up to 60 kilometres per hour. can transport heavy goods over uneven ground has two legs and is able to carry a person.
The Maglev train"floats"above the guideway and zip to its destination. The Maglev train zips to its destination on the railway. The Maglev train zips to its destination on a double guideway. The Maglev train can carry more passengers than the electric train.
stream torrent current flow