S=P+Q S=P-Q S=Q-P S² =P² +Q²
lazy untidy unclear stupid
go to the bed go bed go to bed go to a bed
,则点A.的纵坐标为( ) A. 1 3
thinking doing working looking
ints[10],*q;q=&s[0]; ints[10],*q;q=s; ints[10];int*q=s=1000; ints[10];int*q1=s,*q2=s;*q1=*q2;
go to bed,going to bed going to bed,go to bed go to bed,go to bed going to bed,going to bed
at the bed at bed in bed in the bed
memory thought idea dream
to go to bed go to the bed went to bed went to the bed
inherited made seen bought
in the bed at bed in bed on bed
on the bed in the bed on bed in bed